hello.So today was e-learning day.we oni did 3 subjects.i havent do the lit 1 though,im doing it in school as i cant open the file.btu y r they doing ds?r they scared war is about to break out.r they making us ready to b ready?y?i rather go to skul altough muz learn more subjects as u can see ur frenz and everything.eating at recess,talking and laughing after skul,listening to boring lectures and everything anwaes heres a poem i wrote bout teachers and students.
teachers are crazy,
students are crazy,
teachers dive students crazy,
students drive teaches crazy,
students go to the toilet,
teachers go to the toilet
teachers teach students,
students teach teachers,
students have problems,
teachers have problems,
students are teachers problems,
teachers are students problems,
teachers are happy,
students are happy,
so why r we different?
so why do teachers think they are higher-rated than students.WHY?
shaikha pte.ltd.copyright 2008.
.it feels so weird as this is my first tme theres ever this kinda thing.like elearning as if i stay at home cos i am sick.so weird.haha.and why my com cant download toontown?its ths game very fun...especially for lame ppl ly me.!:D
aniwaes,say whther u prefer e-learning day or skul day in my tagboard.
shaikha(or according to zahwah's brother,tiger,signing out)